When an employee leaves the job, we receive an email from P&C with a link to their information. We do not remove their access from FlexiPurchase immediately. Instead, we conduct a quarterly audit to identify users who have left the job but still hold licenses. This process ensures that such users are deactivated permanently.

A recurring ticket is created in Fresh Service for each quarter. An email notification is sent on the due date of the quarter to Aakash Dhungana (the assigned agent) as a reminder.

  • Navigate to Administration Overview:

    • Select Administration > Overview > Administration Overview.

  • Search for the Employee:
    • On the Administration Overview screen, click the Employees box.
    • In the Employee Search window, click Search to display a list of all employees.
    • Note: The Employee Search pop-up screen returns the top 20 results by default. Change this to All to view more profiles, or select another option from the Return Results dropdown.

  • Export Employee Details using the HR Interface File:

    • Download the current HR Interface File from the Employee Administration screen by clicking HR Format in the lower right-hand corner.
    • Provide the HR file to P&C via email and request them to review the list of users who left the organization.

  • Review the List and Remove Access:
    • After receiving the reviewed list from P&C, identify users who need to be removed.
    • Click Employee details for the user to be removed.

  • Click Edit.

  • Insert the Date Departure and click Save.

  • Complete the Audit:

    • Once the audit is done, email the audit results with an attachment to the Finance Manager and cc the Business Technology Manager - Corporate.
  • Ensure all steps are followed meticulously to maintain security and compliance.
  • The quarterly audit is crucial for identifying and deactivating users who have left the organization but still hold a FlexiPurchase license.