The reports an administrator uses in FlexiPurchase serve various purposes including account management, transaction management and administration. For example, the Suppliers – Top Spend report allows you to report on the top suppliers your employees have transacted with, and the Transaction Search – Company report lets you search for transaction-level information for individual employees or at a higher level across the company as a whole.


For more information on reports, refer to the Reports topic in the Administrator online help. 


Running Reports

  • Click Reports.
  • From the navigation pane, click the report category, and then click the report you require (for example, Expenditure Analysis > Transaction Search - Company.


  • In the search window, select or enter the report criteria to filter the results.


  • The search window and the criteria or filters available will vary, depending on the report you selected.
  • Each report has its own pre-set defaults, so if you do not change the criteria, a high-level report will be generated.
  • To view the report description, click the information icon at the top-right corner of the screen.
  • To view the criteria under a particular section, click the section heading on the right pane (for example, Supplier GroupsAdditional Fields).


  • Click Search to display the results.

Most reports display a high-level summary of the results. To view more detailed information, click any of the hyperlinks on the report.