The Email Management module enables you to notify employees of actions or instructions necessary to process transactions, approvals, and statements in FlexiPurchase.

1.    Creating Automatic Emails

  • Click Administration.
  • Click Notification Management
  • On the Administration – Notification Management screen, click New Notification


  • In the Notifications – Create New window, enter the settings for the email and then click Save.


2.    Editing Automatic Emails

  • Go to Administration > Notification Management.
  • From the list of automatic emails on the Administration - Notification Management screen, click the blue hyperlink of the name of the email. 

  • In the Notifications – Edit, modify the configuration of the email. The fields you are more likely to edit are:



Frequency Type

How often the email is sent out.

Frequency Value 

The day when the email is sent out. The available options will vary, depending on the selected Frequency Type.

Sender Address 

By default, this is set to
 Enter an active email address to allow employees to reply to automatic emails.

  • Click Save.


3.    Attaching Components to Automatic Emails

Automatic Email Components are additional information that you can include in the email. You can select more than one component, which prevents sending multiple emails to employees. For example, instead of sending an email for outstanding approvals and another email for transactions for coding, you can send one email that contains both information.

  • Go to Administration > Notification Management.
  • From the list of automatic emails on the Administration - Notification Management screen, click the Component settings icon  associated with the email.


The component setting icon will only appear if the email is set to Active.


  • In the Component Settings window, select the components you want to add to your automatic email and then click Save at the bottom of the screen.

4.    Manually Sending Emails

This function enables you to manually create and send an email.

  • Go to Administration > Notification Management.
  • In the Manual Emails tab, enter the email settings.

  1. Click From to enter the sender details.
  2. Click Destination to select the recipients from the Email Destination List.
  3. Click Reports to select the any attachments from the Email Report Options.
  4. Type the body of the email.
  5. Click Send Message at the bottom of the screen.
  • To view a list of recently sent manual emails, click the Manual Log tab.