Step 1: Prepare the Upload Template

  1. Open the Upload Template: Ensure you have the correct upload template for charge codes.
  2. Enter Charge Codes: Fill in the required fields with the new charge codes.
  3. Save the Template: Save the updated template to your local drive.

Step 2: Upload the Template to the Vault

  1. Navigate to the Vault:
    • Go to the Administration menu.
    • Select File Management.
    • Choose The Vault.

2. Upload the Template:

    • Click the Upload button.
    • Select the saved template file from your local drive and upload it.

Step 3: Process the File

  1. Select the Template:
    • In the Vault, locate the uploaded template.
    • Click the box next to the template to select it.

2. Process the File:

    • Click Process File.
    • Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the process.
    • Once completed, the charge codes will be added to the system.

Step 4: Add Charge Codes to Groups

  1. Navigate to Group Management:
    • Go to the Administration menu.
    • Select Group Management.
  2. Select the Group:
    • Locate the group you want to add charge codes to.
    • Click on the group name to open its details.

3. Add Charge Codes:

  • Find the section for Charge Codes within the group details.
  • Click Add Charge Code.
  • Enter the charge codes or select them from the list.
  • Save the changes.


  • Verify that the charge codes have been successfully added to the groups by checking the group details.

Note: Ensure that all necessary permissions and access rights are in place before performing these steps.